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Programs & Services

We hope to provide a better state a being and understanding of ourselves. Our program is to be suggested not directed. The ball is always in your court. We believe through our experiences have shown just how life  on a spiritual basis is the key to our recovery. It absolutely takes the highest forms of discipline and consistency that we are capable of .You reap what you sow. There are no short cuts and the training can be rigorous at times.. what we do is put our higher power first then we can follow our guidance through the practice of our 12 steps. We offer several different coaching options , here is a list of the basic  plans we have prepared :

We encourage the 1 year plan as we take the  one step a month approach. The beauty of having 12 months for 12 steps is truly an awesome practice

For 3500$ you can take the one year plan ,  or if you would like to pay monthly that option is available as well.

For the 90 meetings in 90 days , you may pay the 900$ or 300$ a month which ever works best for you. The good thing here is all proceeds are for the ruthless recovery networks foundation for  families on the streets homeless and addicted. Especially the single mothers alone with no insurance or family to speak of. Our mission is directed by our primary purpose to provide resources to those women homeless with children.

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